Did You Get My Box?

Did You Get My Box?

We understand you are anxious and concerned that we receive your box! Here are two quick ways you can check if we received your box 24/7 in minutes and not have to wait for us to reply😊:
  1. Just visit our website: www.TwoMomsBuyTestStrips.com and in the bottom right hand corner, you'll see Jewel, our virtual assistant. Click on her and select Check Status of my Quote. Enter your quote number and you'll get real-time status updates on your tracking information, if it is still in transit, delivered and if it was delivered, and when.
  2. Whenever you request your pre paid shipping labels or receive a shipping kit, the tracking number is right on the label. You can also visit www.USPS.com and enter the tracking number to get the status of your shipment as well. If you send the box yourself, you can also check your tracking at the website of the courier you used, www.UPS.com www.Fedex.com or www.USPS.com for your convenience as well.
Once your box is delivered, it is normally processed the next business day and then put in que for payment. Your payment will be issued no later than 3 business days after processing, but most often much faster. You'll also receive an email notification from us once your payment has been issued.

Thank you! 

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